Whole Health with Charlotte

A monthly membership to cover movement, nutrition and lifestyle factors for your entire wellbeing - with access to live classes and webinars, recordings of these, supplement and consultation discounts, as well as an extensive archive of videos and audio meditations.


A natural health package with an experienced, respected & award-winning practitioner, teacher & author

Whatever you choose to pay, you will have access to:

  • Live online classes & recordings - Mindful & Somatic Yoga / Therapeutic Movement / Meditation / Self-Massage / Yoga Nidra classes
  • Yoga video library - pre-recorded & edited class chapters for shorter practices
  • Audio meditation library
  • Natural Health Webinars - live monthly & library of past event recordings
  • Recipe ebook with all webinars
  • 20% off all supplements from the from Charlotte Watts Health range
  • Nutritional Therapy consultations with Charlotte (exclusively for Whole Health members, learn more here)

About the Classes

Charlotte weaves Somatic practices - more fluid, explorative, primal motions - with postures and movements more commonly associated with a physical yoga practice. She is most interested in how these gestures bring us into embodied awareness and a compassionate relation with self though. Exploring the movement within stillness and the stillness within movement, whether there is more containment or fluidity, there is ample time and space to listen in to your deeper needs. In this way these mindful, meditative practices can help us drop beneath striving and 'getting it right', towards liberation and releasing stress, trauma and tension from body tissues.

Charlotte is joined within the Whole Health offerings by similarly experienced teachers Leonie Taylor and Leah Barnett; both of whom she has worked with for many years and who bring their own voices and specialisms along. This creates a timetable over each week that offers a complementary rhythm of differing ways of tuning into and caring for our whole being; body and mind.

Each class is appropriate for all levels. Whether it involves floorwork, standing, dynamic, restorative or meditative practices, there is the space and kind attention for each person to move in ways that feel supportive and opening - and pause whenever they need. In this way we can ease open muscles, fascia and posture in a safe and body intelligent way, with an emphasis on the breath and kind, mindful attention.

We can all benefit from this emphasis on grounding, awareness and attunement into our inner landscape; a guide to navigating the often choppy waters of life with ease and equanimity.

These practices that cultivate embodied awareness are also great accompaniments to a more dynamic practice or to bring deeper awareness for the more experienced, as well as initial opening for the beginner.

Charlotte also specialises in therapeutic yoga for digestive, immune and respiratory health, as well as relief from stress, burnout, fatigue and anxiety. Leonie and Leah are involved with Charlotte's teaching and writing within these subjects too. All of the classes are appropriate for these and other health needs.

What's included?

Online Yoga Sessions

Therapeutic Movement Classes

Pre-recorded Yoga Sessions

Natural Health Webinars

Meditation Classes

Meditation Audios

Yoga Nidra


Supplement Discounts

April 2024 Overview


With your monthly subscription you receive free access to the following content (both live and recorded):

  • Charlotte's monthly health webinars (and archive) is also included in this membership with nutrition, lifestyle, moving and breathing information and advice for a variety of health topics 
  • Charlotte's weekly yoga class (Tuesdays 6pm) and meditation class (Mondays 8.30am) - see more info below - a selection of these classes are edited down into chapters for shorter practices too
  • Wednesday weekly yoga class with Leonie (9-10am)
  • Weekend class with Charlotte (Saturday) or Leonie (Sunday) 10-11.30am
  • Yoga Nidra with Leah (Sundays 9-9.45pm) or Self-Massage (Sundays 6-7pm) with Leonie
  • Charlotte's twice monthly Therapeutic Movement class (Thursdays 10am), each with a different theme / focus
  • 36 separate pre-recorded yoga videos of about 25-50 minute sessions with different themes
  • 36 meditation audios of about 7-15 mins duration


Subscribers will be emailed Zoom links to these classes at the beginning of each week from the email [email protected]. All are recorded and available to watch if you can't make the times listed. Recordings are available within 24 hours. 


MONDAYS 8-8.30am – MONDAY MEDITATION with Charlotte - These standing qi-gong inspired sessions will incorporate simple movements with breath, loosening fascia and opening up body awareness to settle into standing or seated meditation, as you need. Movements can also be done sitting on a chair.


TUESDAYS 7-8pm SOMATIC & MINDFUL YOGA with Charlotte - A Somatic-focussed weekly evening class which stays close to the ground for a more restorative evening class; where laying and seated movements have a rocking, rolling, pulsing and massaging flavour - moving towards full rest and savasana.


WEDNESDAYS 9-10am SOMATIC & MINDFUL YOGA with Leonie Taylor - In these weekly classes we will playfully explore standing postures and movement. We will also add resistance to expand strength, mobility and stability within our practise, but still within the context of mindfulness, fluidity and personal adaptations that respond to meditative attunement.



THURSDAYS 7-8pm – SOMATIC & MINDFUL YOGA with Leonie Taylor - A Somatic-focussed weekly evening class which stays close to the ground for a more restorative evening class; where laying and seated movements have a rocking, rolling, pulsing and massaging flavour - moving towards full rest and savasana.



FRIDAY 8-8.30am MOVEMENT INTO MEDITATION with Charlotte - These standing qi-gong inspired sessions will incorporate simple movements with breath, loosening fascia and opening up body awareness to settle into standing or seated meditation, as you need. Movements can also be done sitting on a chair.



FRIDAY 7-8.30pm THERAPEUTIC MOVEMENT with Charlotte - These health-focussed sessions are held once a month, with a different theme and a variety of techniques and spacious body-mind enquiries. Related to the Health Webinar topic for the month - upcoming dates are:

24th May: Mental Health in Motion

21st June: Your Heart-Brain Axis

19th July: Adaptation & Resilience



MONTHLY SATURDAY SESSION 9.30-11am THERAPEUTIC & SUBTLE YOGA with Leah – These sessions support the webinar theme for the month, with curious and explorative enquiry into…..

11th May: Mental Health in Motion

15th June: Your Heart-Brain Axis

13th July: Adaptation & Resilience



SUNDAY 10-11.00am SOMATIC & MINDFUL YOGA with Charlotte or Leonie - A more energising morning class; usually starting loosely seated to awaken through somatic and primal movements - making our way through the planes towards standing and back down to the ground for full rest, all with plenty of space, time to feel and the integration of the pause.










Any queries or issues, please email [email protected]


(full videos available inside Whole Health)

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Meet Our Guest Teachers


Leah Barnett has been teaching yoga for over 15 years, since qualifying with the ‘Inner Yoga Trust’ in 2002. Leah works mainly with adults affected by chronic illness including ME/chronic & post viral fatigue, fibromyalgia, cancer etc. Her teaching style is very student-centred, focussing on breath and feeling into the sensory experience of movement and stillness. She has an interest in somatics, authentic movement and feldenkrais weaving these approaches into her teaching. Leah's classes are very inclusive and deeply restorative. Leah and Charlotte have co-taught the Teaching Yoga for Stress, Burnout and Fatigue course for Yogacampus since 2016.


Leonie Taylor is a senior Vajrasati yoga teacher (training at the same time as Charlotte back in 2006) and an accredited therapeutic Thai massage practitioner. Leonie regularly combines these, her twin passions, in workshops and classes to create accessible sessions that are meditative, grounding and inspiring: offering everyday practises to add to your self-nurturing toolbox. http://www.centredspace.net, @centredspace