£5.00 GBP

Somatic & Mindful Yoga with Charlotte or Leonie - September classes £5

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Class info:

A yoga journey to open up the body and soothe the brain and nervous system. This is a more energising morning class; starting seated to move towards standing and down to the ground for full rest, still with plenty of space, time to feel and the integration of the pause.

If you could join 10-15 mins before the start time, that should give us time to check all the technology is working smoothly and say hello!

You will need:

  • A yoga mat or if you don’t have, a rough rug eg turning one over to practice on the underside – you will be able to get away without one if you don’t have!
  • A couple of yoga blocks (not the ‘bricks’) or a firm cushion to sit on at the end – if you have hip issues and sitting cross-legged doesn’t work for you, have a chair handy to use instead and whenever you need throughout the practice
  • You may be asked to have a bolster, stack of towels or firm cushion handy for supported practices
  • A blanket or towel for under your head for savasana, the final relaxation
  • Another blanket handy to put over you in savasana should you wish to be cosy – you can also use an eye pillow or scarf over your eyes at this point

Do let me know of any physical issues before the class if you haven’t before or if new issues have arisen if you have been in touch; I note issues with your name, so no need to repeat if the same needs apply. I teach in a way where you’ll have plenty of room to back off or modify as you need, let me know after the first class if you need any more specific advice after the class.

Looking forward to seeing you then!
